Hii runners =), I'm here again to make a speech where I will show you the advantages of the tecnology, since it makes esay our life styles. That's the reason why you will know about one of my favourite apps, ENDOMONDO, which nowadays is one the most famous sport apps.

But what I like the most is the way of planning a very specialized trainning, where nobody is excluded, since it is adapted perfectly to any type of runner: from ameteur to a professional. This great work is made thanks to a series of patterns and questions, where the app will ask you about youa age, your height, your weight, your sport habits, andS what stands your objectives in a very concret way.So that you've just to ask some questions, and you will have a very welll-made trainnings plans with 25 weeks long.

The first we saw when we have just opened the app, it's a window where we have the option of starting, pausing and restarting our running, clycling training... or whatever you want. They are also a lot of details releated to running showed, such as distance, time, speed, calories; and also our pace and speed average.
Even though we can listening to music while we are running and saved our races and trainnings, to aprecciate our improvement.